We make it easy for Real Estate Developers to manage Real Estate Projects by helping them speed up transactions, save on cost, sell faster and increase collaboration using our cloud-based web and mobile app solution.


Real estate transactions are notoriously complex and vague. And we saw a need to create and establish a new standard in real estate transactions.
We are on a mission to make the 100-Year-Old Industry have a frictionless, transparent transaction by creating an ecosystem where all parties involved have a simple, fast, effortless, and straightforward buying and selling transaction experience. Thereby, improving the quality of people's lives.


Brooky Technologies is a Proptech company that helps Real Estate Developers coordinate and manage transactions between Buyers and their agents with the help of our cloud-based Real Estate Project Management Software.
We help them take care of the inquiries, coordinate reservations and manage the turn-over of the property to the homeowners.
Giving all parties peace of mind and more time to focus on what they care about.