Project Information (Project Info.)

Guide on how to setup Project Information for Agents Portal viewing.


âž  In Agents portal you can see the Preview of your setup Project Information documents. (Setup using Admins Portal)

Step 1: How to Setup Project Information

  1. Log in to your Real Estate Admins Portal account using your admin credentials.
  1. After logging in, under Modules select Documents Management.

âž   Documents Management consist of 3 list namely Documents, Document Classification and Document Classes.

What are the differences of the 3?
A. Documents - contains all the documents per project or the initial uploading of documents. (can be recognized via Intents)
B. Document Classification - assigning documents on what specific classification/category or grouped the document is. (mainly composed of the chosen document Class, Project, and Document itself)
C. Document Classes - assigning the specific groupings of individual document. (Group naming of the document per Intent and specific Project)

Step 2: Uploading of Documents

  1. Select Documents then click on "New" button.
  1. Supply the necessary information needed.
    • Project - add the name of the Project of which the document is under (given dropdown list of project).
    • Intent - select the intent name of the document or add a new intent if its not in the list (given dropdown list of intent).
  2. Then attached the document by clicking on "Attach" button and after finalizing you can then click "Save".
  1. Then please make sure to take note of the Reference no. given after saving the document.
After Saving the Document take note of the given Reference no.
Preview in the Documents Module

Step 3: Adding Document Class

  1. After successfully uploaded the document in the Documents module proceed the setup by selecting Document Class then click on "New" button.
  1. Fill-up or add desired Document Class name then click "Save".
Preview after Saving Document Class

Step 4: Setup Document Classification

  1. Once document class added successfully proceed to Document Classification then click on "New" button.
  1. Supply the necessary information needed.
    • Choose Class - add the Document Class name (dropdown list of document classes).
    • Choose Document - select the intent name of the document or add a new intent if its not in the list (dropdown list of documents reference no.).
    • Project and Doc - not editable field (autofill field after adding Choose Class and Choose Document)
  2. Then "Save" changes.
  1. And after saving a Classification reference no. will appear indicating of a complete Project Info. setup.
Preview after Saving Document Classifications

Step 5: Checked Project Info. Setup via Agents Portal


âž  Make sure to double checked your setup via Agents Portal to assure that uploaded Documents are viewable and are group properly.

Step 1: Navigate Project Information

  1. Log in to your Real Estate Agents Portal account using your agent credentials.
  1. In Menu select Project Info. and double check all the documents you uploaded if it is viewable and are grouped properly.