Project Info

Step-by-Step Guide: Navigating and Accessing Marketing Collaterals via the Project Info Menu

The Project Info Menu within the Real Estate Agents Portal provides a convenient way to access essential marketing collaterals for your projects. Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively navigate and retrieve marketing materials.

Step 1: Log In

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Real Estate Agents Portal.
  2. Enter your login credentials (username and password) to access your account.

Step 2: Access the Project Info Menu

  1. Once logged in, you'll arrive at the main dashboard or home page of the portal.
  2. Look for a section or tab labeled "Projects" or "Project Info." This is where you'll find project-related information and marketing collaterals.

Step 3: Choose a Project

  1. Within the Project Info section, you'll see a list of available projects or developments.
  2. Click on the name or thumbnail image of the project you're interested in.

Step 4: Explore Project Details

  1. You'll be directed to a page dedicated to the selected project, which includes various details such as property descriptions, amenities, floor plans, and more.
  2. Look for a subsection or tab specifically labeled "Marketing Collaterals" or similar.

Step 5: Access Marketing Collaterals

  1. Click on the "Marketing Collaterals" tab to access the collection of available materials.

Step 6: Browse Collaterals

  1. You'll likely see a list of different marketing materials, such as brochures, images, videos, virtual tours, and more.
  2. Click on the desired collateral to open or download it.

Step 7: Download or View Collateral

  1. Depending on the type of collateral, you can typically choose to either view it directly in your browser or download it to your device.
  2. If you choose to download, select the "Download" button or right-click the collateral link and choose "Save link as" or a similar option.

Step 8: Return to Project Info

  1. After viewing or downloading a collateral, use the navigation breadcrumbs or buttons to return to the Project Info page.

Step 9: Explore More Collaterals (Optional)

  1. If you're interested in accessing additional marketing collaterals, you can repeat steps 6-8 for other items listed on the Marketing Collaterals page.

Step 10: Exit Project Info

  1. When you're done accessing marketing collaterals or exploring project details, you can exit the Project Info section by using the navigation back button or selecting a different section from the main menu.

Additional Tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of marketing collaterals available for each project to ensure you retrieve the most relevant materials.
  • If you encounter any difficulties while navigating or accessing marketing collaterals, feel free to reach out to the portal's customer support for assistance.

By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to effortlessly navigate the Project Info Menu and access the marketing collaterals you need to effectively market and showcase your projects to potential buyers.