Brooky Portals

Project Information (Project Info.)

Guide on how to setup Project Information for Agents Portal

Holding Scenario: (3) Queue to Waiting List/ Register to Waiting List

Seller manually cancels the queue.

Holding Scenario: (2) Queue to Waiting List/ Register to Waiting List

Brooky automatically holds the unit for the 1st in queue

Holding Scenario: (1) Queue to Waiting List/ Register to Waiting List

Queue closes once application for reservation of the initial buyer

Holding Scenario: Holding Available Unit (Different Project)

Hold units under different projects and Update the unit sale

Holding Scenario: Holding Available Unit (Same Project/Multiple Units)

Hold multiple unit under the same project and Update the

Holding Scenario: Holding Available Unit (Same Project/Single Unit)

Hold single unit under the same project and Update the

☍PBRF Scenario: Expired PBRF

Re-enroll buyer after 30 days prospective buyer holding expired. 💡Note:

☍PBRF Scenario: Prospective Buyer already Registered by other Agent

Register buyer that has been registered by another seller (should

☍PBRF Scenario: Spouse of Registered Prospective Buyer

A Potential Buyer who has been registered as a spouse