Modules Manual

Project Information (Project Info.)

Guide on how to setup Project Information for Agents Portal

(SMS) Charts

Tracking SMS Usage

(SMS) SMS Settings

Setting Up and Viewing Contact List and Sent Messages

(SMS) Send SMS

Sent Messages to a Group simultaneously via SMS Blast

Brooky Broadcast

Create Announcement in Brooky Broadcast

(Mobile App Manager) Mobile App Request

Update User's App, Email, Name, Permission, Add New User's in Mobile App Request, Settings Page and Update/ Add New Links in Link Manager

(Payment Manager) Reports

Guide on How to Use Payments/ Report Menu and Configure Payment Reports

(Payment Manager) Payments

Update/ Add New Payment Manager

Computation Manager

Guide on How to Navigate and Set Up Sample Computation/ Settings and Print View/ Computations and Pricelist Template Download

(Accounts Manager) Realty Firm

Creating, Updating, and Viewing Realty Firm List and Sheets